miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

WEEK 4: The Corporation

This documentary exposes how CEOs and multimillionaires do anything for profits, they don’t mind about the social or ecological issues. Just looking for economic gain and bigger business these persons run above anything or anyone, the hide under different excuses and lawyers to justify themselves. Violating rights and laws of any kind, the ethical issues are “invisible” for these corporations, threats to reporter and corruption among politician are always present.

As a legal organizational model, how does the rise of corporations influence the aspects of culture in pursuing profit?

Because of the “lifestyle” or conditions to work that the organizations offer, which is all based on pursue of profits no matter what, people and companies start developing this inclination towards that. In that order, they encourage all kind of unethical and dirty tactics, like being selfish and deceiving others all that in order to the maximum economical gain. Violations to rights laws, exploitation of labor hand, pollution, deceptive tactics, abuse of the weaker, making any kind of “legal” maneuver to avoid paying taxes and responsibilities. This corporations fuel the peoples need for economic profits and the lack of social responsibility.

Image retrieved from: http://www.aboutbradsugars.com/wp-content/small-business-health-insurance-cost-2-2.jpg
Information retreived from:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pin8fbdGV9Y

WEEK 5: Decision Making - Ethical behavior in international business

The decisions can be programmed or no programmed, the fist one it’s the simplest one, already established. The second one, is more complex. There are three decision models:
·         Rational Model: How should be the actions regarding on a desired outcome.
·         Bounded rationality model: Recognized limitations.
·         Garbage Can Model: Decisions are mixed in random way.

When individuals are in the process of decision making, there is an important concept that stands out: Risk, some of these persons are risk aversive and some of them are risk takers. Managing consist of deciding under risk and uncertainty.

In this video, we can see people without adversion to physical risks.

This process can get affected by personal pride, prejudice and other attitudes coming from the actors involved in the situation. From the other side, positive attitudes like creativeness and optimism can make the process easier and more enjoyable. The Decision making process in joint or among other can be more comfortable, but not all the times. It’s important to have in mind different alternatives and resources to avoid complications such as groupthink and misinterpretations.

Ethical Behavior refers to the willing to act in certain way according to the individual values and the organizational codes of conduct. Very important to keep in mind and rule by the established codes, all that in order to have a better relationship and control over faults.

How can organizations effectively manage both risk taking and escalation of commitment in the decision-making behavior of employees?
To start, employees have to be aware to what kind of decision they are getting involved with, also knowing which risk are likely to happen in what portion. Improving communication between managers and employees, improving control and management over employees, being more consistent with the times, etc: can be positive aspects towards these decisions of employees

Image retreived from: http://www.bioteams.com/images/complex_decisio.jpg
Video retrived from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6Iu7Qi0mSQ
Information retreived from: http://interactiva.eafit.edu.co/ei/
Information retreived from: Xiao-Ping Chen, Shu Li (2005), Cross-National Differences in Cooperative Decision-Making in Mixed motive Business Contexts.

WEEK 3: Motivation

Motivation is defined as the internal and external factor and energy that drive people or groups towards goals and objectives.
Motivation Theories:
Internal: Referring to the individual itself.
Process: Interaction between individual and environment.
External: Focus on the external elements/environment.
Also, when we talk about motivation, it’s very important to keep in mind the concept of “Need” which is one of the drivers of motivation and movement. These needs are made by the “internal need” and the “external incentives”.

Teamwork its very important to achieve goals and get a better outcome to the actor of the organizagtion.

Needs theories:

·         Maslow’s Need Hierarchy: divided in two groups. 1) Theory X: Low order needs (safety and physiological). 2) Theory Y: Higher order needs (Love, esteem and self actualization).
In the work terms, the theories are opposite, the X referring to employees who dislike work, avoid responsibility, with little or no ambition, workers are cost. In the Y work it’s seen as natural, more innovative and more assumption of responsibility, workers are assets.

·         ERG Theory:  Existence, relatedness and growth. Needs are from the internal to the external ones, from the individual to the social stage. Workers pursue multiple needs at the same time.

·         McClelland’s needs theory: A set need: achievement, power and affiliation.  In the presence of motivator who drive the movement.

·         Social exchange and equity theory: Individuals and organizations, immerse in relationships of different kinds, depending on the interactions among them.

·         Stacy Adam’s theory of inequity: The individuals compare themselves among others.

·         Expectancy theory: Act driven under the development of effort, performance and rewards.
Managers need to keep in mind that each employee has different needs and has to be motivated in different ways, monetary revenue it’s not the only important motivator for employees, also building an appropriate labor environment its very beneficial for them.

This video refers to the lack of good working conditions and benefits that affect employee’s perception and satisfaction with the organization.

In multicultural organizational contexts what could be a good strategy to keep people motivated towards a common task?
It’s very important to have in mind the different cultures and the environment where they role, a lot of strategies can be approach to motivate people: at fist the monetary issues which is very attractive to most of the people, then the recognition of achievement, also the equity balance, which means treating everyone at the same level. Also a great way to motivate people is towards non monetary incentives like more time off, different activities among others. Encouraging team work and joint responsibility is a way of making tinghs more enjoyable and fueling the motivation towards a common task.

Video retreived from:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oz8RfU4GQZo&feature=related
Video retreived from:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQtp6KMAIw0
Information retreived from:http://interactiva.eafit.edu.co/ei/
Information retreived from: "Viorel, Lefter, Manolescu, Aurek, Marinas Cristian Virgil and Puia Ramona Stefania. 2009 "Employees Motivation Theories developed at an international level"


WEEK 2: Personality, perception and attribution: attitudes and values

There’s a theory regarding the types of personalities that define the individuals, the “big five” personality traits. Extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience.

Personality dispositions are conformed by set of emotions, cognitions, attitudes, expectancies, fantasies. All that gets reflected on personal believe and self esteem, which can end on positive or negative effects.
Referring to social perception, the view of one’s or other towards the environment can be affected by actions like, Selective perception, Stereotyping, among others. In now a day’s organizations, the behavior goes hand to hand related to the attitudes of each actor, this can affect personal and group performance in the organization, there are theories explaining the role of the environment, the individual identification and the job satisfaction on the management performance.

To what do you attribute the success of JICA?

This success can be attributed to several factors. The own denomination of the organization, due to the fact the it’s defined as promoter for international cooperation and supporter of the socioeconomic development, economical recovery and improvement among developing countries. So in this scenario, JICA owns a good reputation that sells good promotion. Also it’s the fact that Japan is one of the most powerful and reliable countries of the world, so in that order it’s a “benefit to be taken into account by this nation”, and also the good result obtained previously point towards success. The reputation it’s a very powerful asset on this case.

Image retreived from: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhVARisHp22W4QmqguXtPy8_bLyoKaFk3WosCNPe_8nsOSfyVEEbain-fHMlJiLUE9fXSVRlvCLiSwBptFVBM2zjyPc3EW0toRQ_tzMiqSJOdM4f5jvEgCwP-2RlkDJhIgiw35i5iK6qBA/s1600/multiple_personalities.jpg

Information retreived from: Takao Inamori, Farhad Analoui. "Beyond Pygmalion effect: The role of managerial perception"

Information retreived from: http://interactiva.eafit.edu.co/ei/

WEEK 1: Organizational Behavior and National and Organizational Culture

Organizational Behavior

An organization is a system of   groups and individuals that work in joint to achieve common objectives. There are 4 key elements on every organization, which are entirely correlated to the organizations functions: Structure, Technology, Actors and tasks.  Also, we can identify to stages of the organization, the formal organization which is the most visible part and includes: Goals, objectives, policies, procedures, among others. The informal organization is the less visible part, which includes: Beliefs, attitudes, Values, trust, Group norms, among others.
In order to achieve the goals of the Organization, managers and administrative employees analyze the organizational behavior. This is the study of dynamics of people and groups in the organization.  This analysis allows managers to learn about the relations between people, teams and companies.  Giving the possibility to understand and correct the behavior of the organization in order to achieve common goals.
There are 3 levels of analysis, the individual process, group process and organizational process. Also, we can describe the interdisciplinary influences on organizational behavior: Psychology, anthropology, management, sociology engineering, and medicine.
In these challenging times, is very important to control and manage organizational behavior, in order to develop better managerial skills and becoming more competitive and efficient.

National and Organizational Culture

Culture is a key element on business management, it can affect the status of long term relations, also means different assumptions and impacts on the employees, morals and commitments. If you’re not aware of it, and you don’t keep it in mind you can lose a lot of opportunities.  The national culture defines and influences the individuals depending on certain attitudes and values, according to the gender, the ethnicity, age among others.  Managing culture properly can mean greater opportunities and a great advantage to managers, to get a better market share and also run the business and companies in most effective way. The last one refers to the employees and keeping motivation among them. These previous processes allow companies to adapt to environment or changing the status of it.
Types of cultures:
The clan Culture: The friendliest one, like a family.
Hierarchy Culture: Is most formal, and the task and processes are what drive people.
Adhocracy Culture: Entrepreneurial and more dynamic aptitudes.
Market Culture: Oriented towards goals and very competitive actors.

We can see in this video, how something apparently so simple can sometimes be very important and key in other cultures.
Why is managing organizational behavior in changing times challenging?

Because in these changing times, there are a lot of factors affecting the organization, for example: the increasing globalization which means that it would be more territories to operate, and with that more variety of workers with different needs, cultures and values, so each one of it has to be taken into account. Also with the technological advances the demand for better and more skilled employees and managers is increasing, more efficiency and quality are being demanded by the costumers.

Image retreived from:/ http/www.lockehighrollers.com/images/multicultural.jpg
Video retreived from:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of8UgykfUbw&feature=bf_play&playnext=1&list=QL&index=1
Information retreived from: Nelson, D.L & Quick, J.C. 2010. "Organizational Behavior: Science, The real world and you"
Information retreived from: http://interactiva.eafit.edu.co/ei/